You might ask why our theme is no longer a phrase? Even with our anniversary logo, is it somewhat different than usual? Well, that’s what we want it to be. We are trying to explore other possibilities of how things are done. We believe that despite our limitations, we can change the narrative of our past and make it better. Our theme BUSINESS SUCCESS = ENTREPRENEUR + SOFTWARE + SYSTEM represents the significance of SOFTWARE SYSTEM for the BUSINESS SUCCESS of every ENTREPRENEUR. Our journey is anchored by the purpose of empowering every entrepreneur to achieve more. Creating software is not easy. Convincing a customer is not easy. Providing technical support is not easy. Creating software ads is not easy. However, when things are not easy lies a golden opportunity. At this point, I will share 6Ps (this is not related nor an upgrade of 4Ps) which serve as our guideposts to do what is not easy in the name of our belief and in the performance of our duty. <b>1.Passionate.</b> Being passionate means we work and do the job without counting the cost. The commitment and dedication are coming from the heart. The fulfillment and happiness of getting the job done is more than enough as a reward. Other rewards especially compensation is only second. I commend you guys who work and accommodate our customers even outside office hours. Being passionate with customers will take us to greater heights as time goes by. And to those who feel that your heart is no longer in your assigned job, I say this before and I say it again: Feel free to tell us so that we can fire you (just kidding). It is common knowledge to everyone that some of us who felt no longer passionate about our assigned job have been given another job that he/she is passionate about. We believe that assigning the job you love is setting up yourself for success. Your success is our success. Our organization is passionate about you; your well-being and your future; that is why our organization takes the initiative of hospitalization funds and seed capital for our cooperative. Our organization, with all its imperfections, is passionate about giving you the best that it can afford. It’s part of its oath and the reason for its existence. The organization also expects that every one of us will remain passionate about the cause that we believe in which leads me to point number 2. <b>2. Principled.</b> Being principled is one of the most important things in preserving our integrity. In the course of our jobs or lives, some temptations will test our principles. We must stick with our principles. Take pride in overcoming these things and you will live a life with few to no regrets. There is pain of today that can cause happiness of tomorrow. There is the happiness of today that can cause the pain of tomorrow. We will not trade the short-term gain for the long-term pain. We will trade the short-term pain for long-term gain. Our organization is founded with deep-rooted values of becoming a better human being and being of service to our community which leads me to point number 3. <b>3. Philosophical. </b> Our organization believes in the philosophy of a high sense of duty and simplicity. We are in the service business of simplifying entrepreneurs’ business lives. Code Warriors remember our battle cry: “Super Simple Software”. It’s not how it looks but how it works. Creating simplified solutions to complex business problems requires a lot of brain power and creativity. Tech Rangers remember our battle cry: “Assistance in every step of the way is our Guarantee”. Sometimes our customers will ask for assistance in your holy hour whether you are in the kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom. Take pride in accommodating them because when you do and solve their problem, they will be in the 7th heaven and you are their savior. Sales Troopers remember our battle cry: “Customers' interest First”. Always act in the best interest of our customers. Guide them to arrive at a well-informed and right decision of availing our software. Always do what is good for the customer. We are not only selling software; we are also building relationships that can stand the test of time. Marketing archers remember our battle cry: “Deliver the right message on time” Our reputation as an organization largely depends on you. Building our brand’s identity and delivering customer feedback on time is in your hands. Admin Hawks remember our battle cry: “Service-Oriented Leadership”. It’s our privilege to lead these talented and hardworking colleagues of ours. Protect and always look out for them. Take the pride of taking a bullet for them, whenever necessary in the performance of their duty. When we do that, we also earn the right to guide and discipline them, whenever necessary. We are human beings; we make mistakes but we learn and sooner or later we can make things better which leads me to point number 4. <b>4. Patient. </b> We have big dreams and high hopes. We will accomplish it one step at a time. If we do not see the results of our hard work yet, we must be patient. We cannot plant and harvest at the same time. When you sow, please know that sooner or later you will reap not by accident but by law of sowing and reaping. We will continue to work hard and endure. There are plenty of things to do and improve upon. I cannot promise a joyful and comfortable journey. All I can promise is an adventure and journey to self-discovery. A feeling of highs and lows that will make you laugh and cry. The pain and sacrifices that will measure what we are made of and make us feel more than life. But I will assure you, it’s all worth it in the end. Those who cannot endure the bad days cannot witness the glory days. Better days are coming for every one of us. For now, stay patient and keep pushing forward which leads me to point number 5. <b>5. Persistent. </b>We should be a go-getter. When the main door closes, we will look at the side door, back door, windows, and even the fire exit. We must be persistent in doing the things that we love and believe in. Failure is a delayed success. Failure is only a failure if we give up. We may not be the most intelligent or most talented. We may not be able to finish a degree, or our work may not be aligned with our degree, but with persistence, those disadvantages won’t matter anymore. We keep proving to ourselves that the limitations of where we came from won’t matter anymore. What matters is where we want to go and what value we can create along the way for the service of our country which leads me to point number 6. <b>6. Patriotic. </b>We are destined to be born in this country. We must love this country that gives us a home no matter what. No matter how imperfect or how difficult, the fact remains that this is the only country we have. It’s our moral duty to do the best that we can to be a part of nation-building. Our organization is our platform to serve our country. By providing business software, we are making businesses more productive. When businesses are more productive, more wealth will be created. When more wealth will be created, there will be more job opportunities. More job opportunities mean giving our unemployed citizens back their pride and dignity of providing for themselves and their families. Little by little, in our own little way we will contribute to changing the narrative of our country. This is who we are. This is what we do. This is what we believe in. Contributing to our country’s progress by providing business systems software to entrepreneurs that will increase their chances of business success. Happy 6th Founding Anniversary Everyone.